Saturday, November 25, 2006

Scene 2

damn what shld poor Quark do? darn it, he feels the urge to pee too. (he has been holding it for far too long coz wanted to fix the darn defect 1st).

Alone, freezing and a bursting bladder, Quark muttered under his breath on his misfortune and the project he had been working on. Well, at least his mind was still functioning practically and he whipped out his mobile near him to get some sort of light and fumbled to the main entrance of his room.

As he ventured nearer, he saw a shadowy figure at the entrance. YAY! Quark was overjoyed as he thought it was his colleague. But when he reached the door, he realised it was just well.. a shadow of the looming trees nearby. Quark pushed the door but damn it, it’s stuck! Sighhhhh.. he really did wanna peee… gottta hooolld it just a little longer..

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Jiang Hua Yi

Jude and VuVie arent mandarin speakers but they try to learn and shall impart their knowledge here with a simple Mandarin conversation ppl can try out. They made it up while thinking how their pal shld say hello to his colleague (whom they think have a great ass.)

WE PRovide Translation too! in Italics!

Sexy : A guy you fancy with a damn hot ass
Pal : Your male pal who can speak mandarin (the skinny, bespectacled guy with no ass)

Scenario: Pal sees Sexy stroll into the office
Pal: "yoz.. ni de pi-ku hen piao liang" yoz..your ass is beautiful

Sexy: "Pal, wo ye hen si huan ni de pi-ku" Pal, I like your ass too

Pal: fung la.. wo mei yo pi-ku haha.. you're crazy.. I don't have an ass haha
Sexy: wo mei fung! wo ai ni! I'm not crazy! I love you!

*You should cringe not because Sexy Ass dude is in love with your Pal. Cringe because Pal realli doesnt have an ass. It's realli missing. Hrmm.. but for those of you who love nature esp the Amazon Forest.. Pal is the man for you.*

This sounds very much like a crapppy taiwan show or part of the simplified> script of Brokeback Mountain made in Taiwan!

Hopefully able to come up with more language lessons in future. Our aim is to educate the masses!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

11 "Don't-Tell-the-Wife" Secrets All Men Keep

I find this really amusing, and well... at the ripe old age of twenty-*bleep*, somehow, I understood it all!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Nerds Make Better Lovers

Click on the title to check out the article which nixes all rumors that we NERDS/Kental-ians aint good in the LOVE game ;)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Jude's Verbose Post

As described, not everything here has something to do with being kental. And yes, Kental Master, Jude has yet to play your game and write a review on it. Jude's a closet kental. She may not read all the Isaac Asimov's books although she knows the 3 laws of robots. She may not play all the games that all kental-ians are supposed to play although she gets excited abt programming.

Jude is but a closet sap and nerd with her love for the darn 80's love songs and .Net programming. =D And No, everyone on this blog DOES NOT look like the typical geeks which ppl naturally assume. All of us have pretty good fashion style and we dont stutter. We're well just street-smart and are dilligent workers. To know how Jude thinks most of the time, pls check her Rude and Jude Ranty blog. Jude just happens to like realli kental guys although it seems that the bad-ish and suave guys are the ones who likes her. DANG!

Anyway, in this blog, you will see that Jude will provide the element of dreaming to the blog as she likes to dream all the time. a fan of classic and Hindi films, she is very much into fantasies. =D Thank god, she has Vuvie to entertain her. They used to dream all the time of all the guys they like. These incidents will be added by Jude in her further posts. However, there is only 1 name on all these kental-ians lips..ROBOT.. Vuvie's love... wait OBSESSION with ROBOT... It went overboard when Vuvie molested ROBOT. and robot who didnt have the "emotional" patch installed surprisingly didnt have any reaction when it happened. Vuvie's fellow kental members were shocked when they heard abt the incident but even more surprised when Robot didnt have any reaction.

Robot is an extremely important character in this blog as he (or is "it"?!) is Vuvie's object of affections and also the ultimate real Geek with all the qualities installed. Jude has to get back to work now as her colleague has arrived and is trying his best to read this. Jude can't wait to write on her Hindi Film fantasies in her next posting. ciao for now.

*Just a little extra*
Oh yea Jude had tried introducing other guys to Vuvie but Vuvie maintains her steadfast love for Robot" with this song, "Onnnly youuuu can give me hornnny dreamms" (to the tune of Only You) Jude almost choked and died imagining Vuvie actually singing it to Robot. With her sccratchy earnest voice trying to touch robot with her rendition and Robot's face without a flicker of emotion. Wow, it would be awesome.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Remember BOFH?

I was just wondering if anyone still remembers BOFH (Basta*d Operator From Hell)?

It's just one of those things... Back when the internet was too slow for graphics and the geeks reign. I used to really love it.
And I still like it now, though it feels a teeny wee bit retro now. Not the idea, just the fact that it's all text. But hey, for the unenlightened, here ya go!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Jude's Virgin Post

Jude is super proud of Vuvie for her 2 posts once the blog was started. The kental queen has reigned with her fantastic description of Kentalness. We are still waiting with baited breath for our King, (Quark) to enter our kingdom and enrich us with his knowledge. (In other words, Oi, quark..faster join the blog la.. I invited you already what!! =p)

Members of KentalKid (Jude's point of view)
All these amazing ppl met in a little lab where their brain power and dilligence to work was pumped out of them. Out of the 4 ppl here, only the king reigned supreme still lasting in that lab. More of each member would be described in each member's post (or maybe Jude when she's bored).

Vuvie: brilliant karate kid wannabe ninja. OBSESSED with ROBOT (even molested it? *gasp*). Jude's partner in crime (wait..Jude DIDNT participate in the molest case!)
Nicrabit : Smart, tough and ya-dont-even-think-about-messin-with-me woman with an infectious laughter
Pinky: Dilligent, cute, kind with the obsession with PINK.
Jude : cant brag abt myself. =p
Quark: THE MASTER (Jude kowtows)

How the Blog came about
Jude was ill this week. Got bored. Discoverd blogging and thought it was fun to try it. Told Vuvie who immediately responded with her 2 posts. Nicrabbit got wind of it too and wanted to join in and bitch too =D Pinky and Quark are yet to grace this blog. Now we are waiting for all our powers to be combined before we take this blog to another level. (Jude is reminded of Captain Planet's famous line " When all your powers combine, I am Captain Planet")

Jude's shagged! But damn it, now the Captain Planet song is ringing in her head. she's gonna get jiggy with it aft she signs off. Captain Planet, he's our hero.. gonna take pollution down to zero...lalala...smth smtg

Friday, July 21, 2006

Kental is...

Kental is when you are supposed to pack for your trip tomorrow, instead here you are sitting in front of your notebook. Logged into a text-based RPG. Reading text, slaying forest creatures. Levering your training by challenging your master.
Kental is choosing your character and skills with calculated precision and flair. Falling in love with your character.
Kental is suffering from RSI due to the killing and throwing of magic portion at your opponents. Kill, kill, kill. Click, click, click.
Kental is waiting for another half hour for the next day to begin because your character has used up all the fighting rounds for the day to earn gold and power. Minute by minute, just that few minutes more for the new day to begin in the realm and you can go fight in the forest again, to gather strength.
Kental is wondering if you should postpone your trip because it would be 4 days too many away from the computer. Where someone else might come along and beat your scores.
Kental is reading that you have achieved a new level all in one day. Secretly feeling superior and yet grateful that you are hiding behind an avatar.
Kental is when you recognise the game from another game you were forfeited from playing. Knowing the characters, plots and terrains from all those science fiction/fantasy books you so secretly love to read.
Kental is posting the link here for other closet kentals to go play:

This is something that happened just before we got to know nicrabbit.

June 17, 2005
CommunicAsia 2005


Was working non-stop since morning today. Must make sure I clear all my jobs before leaving for CommunicAsia. Finally finished after 2 pm; Mel, Jude and I took the train there. Cik Pon called while we boarding the train. I thought he was still in the office. Turns out he was just wondering if we have left. Hmmm... Say lah! When we were at Tanah Merah interchange, manager called, looking for us. He was gonna drive us there but we didn't see him so we thought he left. Sigh! What a muddle.

When we reach, Jude called her friend, H who would be joining us. We were gonna 'smuggle' him in. Passed him an exhibitor tag-Elvis. "For the time that you are here, you should be known as Elvis. Get it, Elvis?" H gaped, bewildered. Jude inspected her pass, " Ok... I am Papaya for today. Gotta make sure I respond to that." We were laughing.

"Ermm. Elvis. You dropped your pass." H, still bewildered, turned 180 degree to bend down and picked up the pass. It's gonna be a long day...

Mel and I were registering for our visitor's passes when I exclaimed, "Fortinet!! I need to go to that booth!" I was practically running with Mel, Jude and H in tow. Somebody commented, "Hey I see some sexy girls wearing our company tshirts." Sexy in our company t-shirt and jeans? Sheesh! The Fortinet girls were wearing red midriffs with tassles and mini skirts! Got the contacts I need. I am beginning to think this trip is really gonna be worth it!

Walked over the Korean area. Wow! Impressive. Koreans are smart and extremely good in technology. Dang... I want to marry a korean. Yep. I've made up my mind. I want to marry korean.

I stop at the booth selling IVR products. The Korean girl was talking in English to a potential customer. I waited patiently to speak to her. The moment that guy left, I walked over and smiled. Without saying anything, she pointed me to her other colleague. Baffled, I traced my steps towards the other girl, and said, "Hello! I am interested in your product. Can you please tell me more?" She looked at me, turned to the initial girl and started talking in Korean. They exchanged in Korean and both stopped, stared me. I smiled. They discussed somemore. Again, they stopped together and scrutinised me. I said, "Hello!" Then the girl who speaks English perk up and beckons me to her. They thought I was Korean!!

Jude and Mel thought that was quite hilarious. Sure. Laugh at my expense. This is not the first time I'd been mistaken for korean by Koreans. How strange.

We walked around. The Expo's colossal. I didn't think we would manage to see everything there and we didn't. We laughed alot, said and did a lot of silly little things. Begged for free gifts! Well, the gifts' ain't impressive this year. Only NTT Docomo's mobile phone's bear chain's worth getting. It's cute, but useless. That pretty much sums up the gifts this year. Cute but useless.

Samsung was giving out yellow frisbee. For crying out loud. Frisbee? Will get back to this.

We came to the mobile area. Every booth's trying to beat the other's coolness. Personally, I think Motorola wins hands down in the cool factor. It has a bar in the middle of it all. A bronze Harley Davidson, Motorola Bluebooth headset built right into the motorcycle helmet in a glass case. Sitting area with cozy Motorola pillows. If we could have fitted the pillows into our bags, we would. And the best part? You can order cocktails and mocktails from the Motomenu... by video conferencing the bartender with the 3G Motorola. Which in our excitement, we did.

We called. They answered. We started screaming our orders hysterically. The barista was glancing around helplessly. We know. We can see you... He was saying,"Eh what they say? Cannot hear aah!" He went off the video feed and stood over our table. He's really just 2 metres away. We ordered. Then starts criticising Motorola phone.

The mocktail arrives in gleaming martini glasses. Wow, cool! Oh wait a moment. One of the glass isn't gleaming. In fact it has lipstick smudge on it. Eeew. Mel said she would just wipe it off. I think it's Jude’s. We video conference the barista again. Yet again he claims he can't hear us and promptly ran over to our table. (Confirm lah, the phone is crappy!) We smiled and showed him the glass. He took it and promised to give us a clean one. I leaned sideways just to make sure he didn't spit into the drink, hey, I've worked in F&B and I know how nasty some people can get. He was wiping the glass rigorously, saw me, held the glass up and grinned. Ok lah. Since you are cute, I smiled back. We drank. Yucks. I hate grapefruit. Any drink with grapefruit's always taste bitter. Gulped our drinks and walked in front of the bar. I nearly tripped over this raised platform. The throngs of people actually concealed a raised platform right in the middle of Motorola's area. I looked down cautiously. The crowd was dispersing to reveal a T-shaped platform. I laughed. "Hey catwalk!! This looks like a runway." Made H hold my things. Walked in an exaggerated model gait from left to right, stopped deliberately in the middle, shoulders poised; sashay down the middle in catwalk strut. Jumped off the platform laughing. Mel, Jude and H gaped. I whirled around. OH SHIT! Seems like 4 real models had gathered behind me. OH SHIT! IT IS A RUNWAY! I kept cursing. Jude giggled sympathetically. H said he thinks I am really bold. Mel was choking in her own guffaws. I fell so embarrassed. The models were pretty, even the guys. And thin. One girl had an afro. Jude and I said to no one in particular, "I'll bet her hair's already half her weight."

No wonder the crowd was clearing the platform. AAAAaaaaaaaaaah!

Walked around some more, gathering even more useless door gifts. Kept bumping into Makcik Col and Ferragamo. Makcik Col nag on and on about getting the stressball from Arab Emirates. What an aunty! I don't want a stressball! He led us there anyway. Realised that it's all given out, did an about turn and walked briskly away.

Makcik Col: Hey Ferragamo! Why am I still holding your ball?

I burst out laughing. It was spontaneous! Everyone went "Eeew, Vuvie!"

Ferragamo: I can't hold my ball anymore. It's too stressful!


What a happy, crazy day. Spent with the happiest, craziest people I’ve ever met here.